New Zealand & Traveling Alone in Australia ⑦ ミル Milford Sound Tour, Theanau, Pugberger

New Zealand & Traveling Alone in Australia ⑥ | Sydney Fish Market Move to Queenstown Airport I want to be a travel blogger too ••• My Money’s Nathan New Zealand Australia Tour 6th Diary Begins•• •• ⓓⓐⓨ …

New Zealand & Traveling Alone in Australia ⑥ | Sydney Fish Market Move to Queenstown Airport I want to be a travel blogger too ••• My Money’s Nathan New Zealand Australia Tour 6th Diary Begins•• •• ⓓⓐⓨ …

ⓓⓐ ⓨ7: Milford Sound Tour, Pugberger

I washed everything yesterday, cleaned up my things, and woke up at 5 a.m.; It’s really the last day of dawn schedule… The cold in Queenstown has been warm since I was in Auckland, so I collected all my winter clothes today…… I didn’t even bring many winter clothes, but I was fluttering when I heard that it was cold.)wwwwwwwww

Lake Wakatipu in Queenstown I first saw at 5:30am! When I searched about Queenstown before coming here, it was almost like a landmark to say that Lake Wakatipu is almost everything in Queenstown…no, it just felt like Queenstown itself…wwww

I thought that if I missed one bus, I would have to arrive 15 minutes in advance.. I couldn’t take a closer look at the lake.. It’s quiet and nice, and it doesn’t feel dangerous even though there were no peopleThere are a lot of ducks. Jun’s cuteness wwwwwwThe place I had to go today is called Crown Plaza!The next stop after Crown Plaza in a review before booking the tour? He said that people ride a lot, so if you want to sit where you want, it’s best to ride here.In the end, only two people including me rode at Crown Plaza, but at the next station, ㅇ結局 There were more than 20 people on board, so I’m glad I got on here.. And when I was on the Milford Sound Tour bus, Be sure to get on the right side… So, the direction of the driver’s seat! The scenery over there looks like a dog.Of course, the left side was beautiful, but it was a shame that there were so many things to take pictures on the right side.Why can’t you find a good seat when it’s because of the Kuroichi faction…After checking the simple name confirmation and lunch box application (???)?? Did I apply for a lunch box? I received this card while doing so.) When the confirmation is complete, give me this card. When Milford Sound arrives and the driver hands out the lunchbox, it will match!There were two options. Chicken sandwich and vegan sandwichI’ve never been doing this New Zealand, and I just returned to the two kilometers away from the straight line distanceSo, I think it’s too much to go and down.By the way, you can choose the plane as a tour item, but I can also accept the site reception!The price was about 30 to 40 million won, but when I went home, the driver who went home.I’m sorry… I’ve been spending money…The bus was empty up to the top by the window and was very small to appreciate the view.My right seat.. I regret that ㅇㄹが fell to the ground..It’s really hard to go nonstop for almost four hours, so I’ll stop by one station on the way and take a rest.About 20 minutes after going to a cafe, yogi and toilet in a small town called Taeanau? I’m going home after taking a break.It’s so cold that they eat a warm tea latte buried in the fleece…And I’m going to see Lake Teanau! As I passed by, the driver explained to me that this is the second largest lake in New Zealand and the first lake in South Island, so I ran fast to see it even though it was a little far from the cafeAnd I’m going to see Lake Teanau! As I passed by, the driver explained to me that this is the second largest lake in New Zealand and the first lake in South Island, so I ran fast to see it even though it was a little far from the cafeThe peaceful scenery of Lake Teanau.. I couldn’t see many things because I didn’t have time (to leave me behind), so I just took random pictures ㅠ_ㅠ I looked it up on the black Internet This is Milford Sound, and it’s going back and forth I think most of you can hear me!If you go back and forth for a walk, you can see cute stone trains The numbers are listed in order of wwwwIf you go back and forth for a walk, you can see cute stone trains The numbers are listed in order of wwww”The weather was really dark, but when I saw the wide field, my heart was calm~ And the temperature was just chilly, so it was perfect for enjoying the scenery.”Please leave one authentication shot.I talked to a friend from Hong Kong who was supposed to sit next to me and became close, and that night we went out to eat hamburgers together…lol lol lolI ran for another 20 minutes and arrived at Mirror Lake! As the driver and guide Azah’s name suggests, the water is really clear here, but on a day when my physical condition changes considerably depending on the weather,,,This is Miller Lake! The weather was generally cloudy today (and it wasn’t even 9 o’clock yet) so it was dark ㅠ_ㅠ Unfortunately, I couldn’t see the strong side, but the water felt really clear!It was a mysterious atmosphere when I was quiet, so it was easy to enjoy Miller Lake while walking slowly along the walkway on one wayI ran a little again and looked at each other…! The driver passed this place slowly without dropping us off, and said it was one of the closest waterfalls we could see.And the last place I heard before I went to Milford Sound!They said they could see mountains covered with perpetual snow and streams flowing with glacial water. – Even if you have a water bottle, you should bring it down. – Wow.. I remember this place that muchThis is a picture. It’s a movie.It’s the view right in front of me… It was only about 10 minutes away. That kind of thing that left an impression on me…I really feel like Mother Nature is spreading before my eyesㅠ_ㅠUgh…Can you see the transparency of the water? The people from the New Zealand government, Transparency that makes you understand why you’re trying so hard to protect… It is said that this is the water made by melting glaciers, so you can drink it, but I was satisfied with just dipping my hands because I should not come to another place far away and have an upset stomach.ㅠ_ㅠ Haha, it’s not that cold, Atchaga! If it’s an interesting experience to touch, lolIt was so peaceful just to look at it (and I regretted not taking my DSLR with meAfter a short but intense experience, I crossed the tunnel…By the way, the road to the road is a steep and a road is a steep and steep.Therefore, there are many ways to drive programs, so many people go to the tour program.I taught me one of the strange fact that the driver was driving, but it’s really like a man..It is a region that you can’t have to make a big bus without taking a long time.Why don’t you go?This is wet.It’s a long time to be wet, so it’s going to disappear from the moss..It’s really funny fact…Finally, we arrived at Millford Sound cruise!My uncle gave me a lunch box and gave me lunch box to receive lunch box before departure.No, this lunch box..It’s surprising that’s amazing.I thought it is one of the wwwwwwwwwwwww.Thanks to the cold, but I was very delicious, but I was very delicious..This is our cruise…! 50 people at a time?Sixty people? (Maybe not) seemed to fit in.It was a three-story cruise, but everything inside was comfortable.”The first waterfall I saw on the Milford Sound Cruise! That waterfall is said to be the water from which eternal snow melts down.The first waterfall I saw on the Milford Sound Cruise! That waterfall is said to be the water from which eternal snow melts down.The cruise was also very good, but there were many spaces here and there, so you could see it warmly underground, from the front from the first floor, or you could feel the sun in the sunlit space on the second floor.The driver explained that they would offer free coffee on the cruise! There is a lunch box, but I prepared food for hungry people to drink in their stomachs (of course there are many kinds of coffee) and I was very satisfiedWhile the ship was in operation, the captain personally piloted the ship here and explained it to me, but in fact, the sound quality of the speakers was not good so it was not easy to understand.. lol I can finally catch some words..Can you see how big people are? That’s how full I am… lolミルフォードサウンド自体も実はつまらないという評価を何気にたくさん見たんですが、なぜ⸌◦̈⸍ʷI’ll know if you can’t know what it’s going to be in the future.I think that I can feel like to see the www cruise, but I think I think that I think that I can experience this big natural and tour program!It’s good size, and it’s pretty, and it’s a beautiful thingI’m going to make a turn here. Is this really the horizon?It was so vast that I thought (it couldn’t be). Do you think this is the point that connects to the sea?And I was dazed and left myself to the wind, but the captain made a fuss and told me to look outside quickly So I saw two otters or sea otters lying in the sun!!!! It’s so cute feel better when one hears that they are not easy to see wwwwww >_<And he said this is the biggest waterfall in Milford Sound! If you look at it like this, it doesn’t look big, does it?I saw people understand the waterwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..I think that.. ㅇㄱㄹㅇ··· 悪で度胸で耐えた..I took pictures with a lot of people here, but I don’t have many actual photos (issue: face issue, clothes issue, wind issue, photo skill issue, dent), but it’s worth seeing…www Actually I can’t remember when it was takenEven on the way back to downtown Queenstown after a long and short Milford sound tour, there are many lambs and cows in New Zealand…wwwww There are almost all sheep and cattle by the side of the road The lambs are so cute..The picture was taken the next morning, so it’s a little bright, isn’t it? Ha ha, then we arrive at Pug Burger! Originally, I tried to have a quiet time alone, but my Hong Kong friend who was with me all day asked me if I should go with him because he was going here, so I said, “Okay, okay. Of Coles!” and left togetherThe Pug Burger menu is quite plentiful! But I decided to try the basics today. And the wasabi mayo sauce and fries that my friend recommended..The inside is quite small, so it’s a little hard to eat inside. But fortunately, we’re waiting outside to get a seat and run out like waspsFor those waiting outside, the order of waiting is shown on the screen like this.I finally met Pug Burger!!!!!!!!! Hamburger bread is about 1.2 times the size of Korean bread.(Of course, the price is 1.2 times…) I heard that bread here is so good, but are you enjoying it too much?And when you take a bite, it feels like you can understand why bread is so famous even though it’s really made by yourself…! It seems to be the best-selling shop in Queenstown with a lot of ingredients..My Hong Kong friend who came with me ordered beer and squid tempura! wwwwHe kept taking pictures, It’s so much fun to see Pugberger, who was just listeningBy the way, there are so many pug series shops.Pug bakery, puggerato, pug cafe… I heard that the pug bakery here is delicious again, so I went there to see the hamburger after I ate it upWhat is the Queen Town?If Korea is 9 to 6 to 6 to 6 and 6?Anyway, I felt so fast, I felt that the pug family was close to the afternoon, but I thought it was a good business. I saw it’s delicious. I’m going to eat it. I’ll be..By the way, I stayed at a place called Nomad Queenstownf) No wonder it was very noisy when I tried to sleep, so there was an izakaya right in front of the veranda.. LOL, lol.And that’s where today’s Queenstown Diary ends ~~~~~Milford Sound New Zealand 9679 Southland, Milford SoundIs it a trap or a New Zealand trapFargberger 42 Shot Over Street, Queenstown 9300Fargberger 42 Shot Over Street, Queenstown 9300Fargberger 42 Shot Over Street, Queenstown 9300

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